4ª Edição do Spanish & Portuguese Spine Societies COURSE DIPLOMA – 2021


Module 1

Basic Comprehensive Course
Lisbon, Portugal, 12.10.2021

Module 2

Degenerative Diseases of the Spine
Lisbon, Portugal, 13 – 14.10.2021

Module 4

Lisbon, Portugal, 15.10.2021

Module 6

According to Eurospine criteria this module is only mandatory in order to obtain the EUROSPINE DIPLOMA for participants who have started taking their diploma courses as of 2020. Participants who have started taking their modules before 2020 do not need to complete this module to obtain their diploma.

This is a Virtual Module divided in two components:
– Elearning material that will be available from 04.10.2021
– Virtual live Event – 09.10.2021

After the application on this module you will receive unique credentials to access our Moodle platform
Lisbon, Portugal, 09.10.2021

Please Register here

Fee Structure & Policies:

Registration Fees: 

  •   Discount fee for SPPC/GEER members

EUROSPINE Basic Diploma Course Modules:

  • Module 1: 300€ for Members, 400€ for Non-Members
  • Modules 2: 800€ for Members, 1000€ for Non-Members
  • Modules 4: 800€ for Members, 1000€ for Non-Members
  • Module 6: 200€ for Members, 300€ for Non-Members

Fee structure includes:

  • Course materials
  • Coffee Break
  • Lunch
  • Transfers to Venue

Attendance Policy: 

  • Course attendance is mandatory for the entire Module. Attendees must be present from the start of the Module until the end of the Module as defined in the final program and attend all parts of the program, without exceptions. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a non validated course module and refusal of Certificate of Attendance and CME accreditation.

Registration Policy: 

  • Registrations are accepted on a first come-first served basis
  • Registrations are open to spine specialists.
  • Registrations are not confirmed until payment is received
  • SPPCV reserves the right to cancel registration if payment is not within 24 hours of registration.
  • SPPCV reserves the right to cancel the course if sufficient registrations are not received. In the case of cancellation for this reason, attendees are entitled to a full refund. SPPCV is not responsible for travel fees, or any expenses incurred as a  result of such cancellation.
  • Registration confirmations will be communicated as soon as the course reaches the minimum course attendance requirement.
  • SPPCV reserves the right to change faculty & program. The latest programs will be posted on the webpage  www.sppcv.org
  • Attendees grant the permission to SPPCV to take and use pictures and films for, including but not limited for, educational purposes, public relations, promotional pieces, written publications, videos and on SPPCV web publication, for an indefinite period of time.

Cancellation Policy: 

  • Cancellation requests must be received in writing by email. The attendee is responsible for ensuring that the Course Secretariat receives the written request.
  • Once the attendee is registered and paid, cancellation will be accepted up to 30 days prior to the Live Education Event or Virtual Event, reimbursed at 100% of the registration fee (minus administrative fees). Any cancellation within 30 days of the start of the Live Education Event, will not be reimbursed.


Course Secretariat: Sociedade Portuguesa de Patologia da Coluna Vertebral E-mail: sppcv_secretariado@yahoo.com


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